Blue Bowl Vortex Dream Matting Insert


Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $29.95.

SKU: bbowlmat Categories: , ,



Blue Bowl Vortex Dream Mat Insert

This bowl mat Turbo-Charges your blue bowl process time. Adding almost 100x mini cyclone cells that mimic the bowls base function, this upgrade to a tried-and-true favorite allows for the centrifugal bowl cleaner to run at a higher speed, reducing process time.

The blue bowl takes a long time; by using the Dream Mat to speed it up, you can cut the bulk of your cons down to manageable amount in a 1/2 hr rather than hour & hours!

Turn your blue bowl into a power panning station! Turbo charge your old bowl with Dream Mat magic!

The Dream Mat will leave some black sands in the process, but get you there in 1/10th the time!

This mat is flying off the shelf like Frisbee’s.

  • 4″ I.D. X 10.25″ O.D
  • Colors will vary

Note: Use non-permanent silicone that peels easily. (Do not use super-glue or epoxy.)

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