4x Mat Beach Gold Turbocharge Kit for Gold Cube Dream Matting


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4x Mat Beach Gold Turbocharge Kit for Gold Cube

Designed upon request from prospectors on the West Coast sluicing beach sands for ocean gold. You asked, we delivered. Get the same over-the-top performance you’d expect from any Dream Mat Product. Save big on this 4x bundle.

Every time you change up, you can capture different zone gold. So, for a 3x stack w/ a slick plate, this is the Cat’s Meow! Use the Micro on the slick plate for that free gold, followed by 2 trays of Cape “D”, and finish it up on the Mini for a change up.

Run 2x the feed rate & more water flow to process more material & get more gold! No more baby scoops! No more overloading shallow conveyor belt. No more slow clean-outs!

100% Absolutely love it or get your money back.

  • Micro Mats
  • Cap-D Mats
  • Mini Mats
  • 4x Clamp Set
  • Scientifically engineered with advanced fluid dynamic principles.
  • We recommend 2000 gph pump.
  • Light hand assembly required, watch video below.